Monday, September 19, 2011

Further Push Forward The Ideological And Moral Construction of Minors

First, further strengthen the socialist core value system of study and education, training young people thought lofty quality and good moral character

First, strengthen moral education, better integration of the contents of the socialist core value system in education and educating to infiltrate the educate. Core value system is the core of moral education in schools; the school is the core value system of minors of education the main channel. As the elementary path to make schoolroom instructing, improve teaching usages of moral education, the teaching of mining resources in various disciplines, identify with the socialist core value system of the binding sites to improve the education effect. Different ages along to the characteristics of minors, to make sure the differ teaching contents, so that the core value system of education implemented progressively, step by step. Core value system should integrate into the campus culture and the liturgy, through the flag-raising etiquette, the ritual into the group add the alliance, adult rite, carrying forward the socialist core value system to create a cultural air. To strengthen the moral construction, promote "studying as instructors, action Exemplary" professional spirit, is a minor set an sample to create the correct values.

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Comrade Li Changchun made important instructions on many causes, to refine the social and cultural surroundings, remediation vulgar neatness, good children's channel and a minor site, the Internet site to promote the construction of public welfare to enrich children's masterpiece and literature, etc. were put along. To earnestly study and understand the central spirit and entirely understand the strengthening and improving ideological and moral construction is related to the country's future, fate of the country is related to people's interests, social harmony, and enhances the sense of urgency to do the go. To cling to Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" as guidance, thoroughly implement the scientific conception of development, to collar the creating of socialist core value system the fundamental, focused training of qualified builders and beneficiaries, to emulate the growth of minors specifics and rules of the form of wealthy content and innovative tools, to improve the institutional mechanisms for more forcible measures, extra hard go, and often establish a new situation in ideological and moral construction.

Second, deepen the theme of training; young human persist to reinforce the socialist gist value system of recognition. Seize the chance to carry out a major theme of pedagogy can have a multiplier achieve. To take full convenience of the statutory holidays, celebrations, anniversaries of major events, organizing various forms of dissemination and schooling, promoting mainstream values. According to the central, to focus ashore learning and implementing the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Party morale, ambition focus its exertions in the nation situation and policies of urban and rural public education. All pertinent divisions ought formulate concrete reality of the adolescent's public education program, scamper "location, a colossal class education" to encourage students to contact approximately the location around alteration, speak about experience, self-education, self-improvement.

Strengthen and amend ideological and moral construction of the CPC Central Committee to promote the new century from the gathering and state evolution, to accomplish permanence of the state celebration and starting to make a major strategic decision. Especially since the Sixteenth Congress the Party Central in 2004 since the issuance of the relevant documents, entire localities and departments positive behavior, wide participation of entire sectors of society, ideological and moral construction of meaningful results, yet still face many new situations and problems, to strengthen and improve The task is arduous.

2011 is the 90th commemoration of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party, which for the socialist core value system provides an major platform as study and education. To deepen the party's history, the party's wisdom, study and education, so that inferiors know the history and the people chose the Communist Party of China, chose the road of communism chosen reform and beginning up, promote the love of the party, patriotism, adore of socialism emotions. To make unremitting efforts to promote citizen unity and education so that people of all minors the same small set prevalent fate, the ideology of an idea, and consciously shield citizen unification and national unity.

Socialist core value system is the marrow of ideological and moral construction and fundamental. Minor active thinking, plasticity, and this age is the earth, life and values form an important duration. The core value system will not allow minors, understanding and recognition by the bulk is related to the healthy growth of minors is related to the entire nation's spirits. Core value system should study and education as a top prerogative throughout the minors, the various stages of growth and success, reflecting the ideological and moral construction appearances.

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